Lowtoy: Nouveau netlabel 8 Bit / Circuit Bending

Création d’un nouveau netlabel dédié à la chiptune et au Circuit Bending:

Lowtoy is a Netlabel based in Barcelona under a Creative Commons license, created by Ralp, Lautaro and Drop 1410, with the intention of consolidating an audiovisual platform about the 8 Bit, Circuit Bending and DIY movements.

Lowoy is open to all genres, styles and audiovisual experimentations such as music, video and graphics, always related to the retro aesthetics and 8 Bit technology. The main idea is to promote and enhance the Catalan and national scene first, with links to all Spanish speaking scene, and of course, open to the rest fo the world. We disseminate musical productions, live sets and videos of the artists, and we include a laboratory section to publish diverse material.


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