"bleep blop!"
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Hi there!
This time I made a casio-core / lo-fi song using 3 toy-keyboards: CASIO MA-120, CASIO SK-5, CASIO SA-5. Title comes from my love to Japanese pop-culture. As usual no sequencer used. Enjoy!!
http://parishq.net/proposed//sound/pss_ … e_girl.mp3
downloading right now! will check it sa-5 is pure love! wicked casio from sa series!
love. ignacio.
Interesting song, nice atmospheres!
some 80sh sound on it
love the wooow and weew sounds is that the sk-5? sounds analog like.
keep the casio fever rising
greetz. Ignacio.
Ignat wrote:
love the wooow and weew sounds
is that the sk-5? sounds analog like.
greetz. Ignacio.
Yes, it's SK-5. Just scream to its microphone and... play on the screams.
Thanx for your opinion!